Wrapped in Red: Martha's Way: A Christmas Novella Page 7
Uh oh. Where was this going? Her brows furrowed as she straightened herself. “Yes.”
His hand moved to the thin strap of her camisole. “On or off?”
“On,” she answered in a low voice. Not the sexiest conversation to have during sex, but this was how things were going to be for now. Their new reality, at least until she stopped breastfeeding. “And us, too. I mean we’re on too.”
He ran his palms over her bra, cupped her breasts and gave them a light squeeze. “We’re definitely on.”
Minka closed her eyes, giving in to the sensation of his hands roaming down her curves, to her hips, making her skin go up in flames. She knew what was coming and her body reacted instinctively. Her hips came off the sofa. His fingers singed a path down her legs as he slid her panties off.
She sat there helplessly, all her nerves knotted and expectant. Through hazy eyes, she watched him straighten himself, stand, and then quickly divest himself of his pants, leaving every inch of him visible. He was beautiful.
Her pulse picked up speed. The acceleration had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with what her body wanted—every inch of him in her mouth or buried deep inside her.
Nerves tingled. Sensations rushed through her body. She reached and wrapped her hand around his length.
“I won’t last.”
“That’s okay.” She slid forward and licked the tip of his rock-hard erection. “You’ll owe me one,” she said in a low whispery voice, then took him in her mouth in a series of slow and agonizing strokes.
A low, guttural sound escaped his throat. He muttered something in French—a word she knew was on the naughty list. He pushed himself away from her, took her hands, and dragged her down to the floor with him on top.
“First time in months,” he said, voice rough. “I need to be inside you.” His hands caught her hips as he settled between her and plunged every thick, long inch deep inside her.
Sparks of pleasure jolted through her. She tossed her head back, squirming under him, but not in nerves. More like she couldn’t move and she wanted—needed—to touch him, to feel his mouth and hands on hers.
“So beautiful,” he said, his voice laced with love and desire.
Looking into his hooded eyes, she saw that he actually meant it—always had, always would—and melted. “I wish I came to you sooner.”
“Shh.” He brushed a few curls off her face. “We don’t want to wake up the cock-blockers.”
She let out a little giggle. “They can’t hear us.”
He raised a brow. “Wanna bet?” Then his mouth found hers as they began to move. She arched her back, her breasts pressing against the hard planes of his chest, her hips planted against his as she met him thrust for thrust.
They moaned louder.
He thrust deeper.
They moved faster in an intoxicated dance of limbs as they became lost in time. The world narrowed to just them and this moment—on the hardwood floor with the man she had for a lifetime, their hips rocking in tandem.
“You feel so good,” he whispered and bit her bottom lip.
His words and the raw desire pushed her over the edge. She forgot about the need to stay quiet and cried out. Her fingernails scraped up and down his back as pleasure shuddered through her, bursting her into a thousand pieces.
“God, I fucking love you.” With a few quick pumps, he groaned and trembled over her. In her. The connection was electrifying. Perfect.
As her body floated weightlessly into space, he hugged her close until she came back to earth. Limped, she lay still, their arms and legs twined together as she listened to the comforting sounds of his beating heart.
When he moved, she held on, not ready to disconnect, and moved along with him. But he pointed for her to lie back down.
“Stay.” He grabbed the red throw, joined her back on the floor, and wrapped it around them. “You hear that?”
Reeling in delight, she glanced at the clock on one of the monitors and saw midnight. Except for the thumping of their hearts, there was not a noise in the house. She drank in the silence. “It’s quiet,” she observed. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head, strong protective arms wrapped around her body. “We’ll be fine.” It wasn’t a question but a reassurance.
In the cocoon of Jason’s embrace, the rest of the world, if only for a minute, became an unimportant blur with no time, no wind, no rain. A new sense of peace washed over her. She nestled closer against him, lean and hard muscles warming her.
Happiness flowed through her blood vessels straight into her heart. “I know.”
Jason was no longer just the hot stud from the bar. He was a husband, father, provider. She was no longer just Minka with her insecurities. Somewhere along the way, she had morphed into a grounded woman, still a work in progress, but more self-assured. People were depending on her—tiny babies—she was now a mother, wife, homemaker.
From newlyweds to parents, they entered new, uncharted territory. Their lives had changed. The path ahead was not clear. They would stumble for sure. And she was okay with that. With Jason by her side through all the challenges, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
She pressed a kiss to his heart, which beat heart and fast. “I love you Jason Montgomery. I love you more than you’ll ever know.”
“I love you Minka Montgomery. Merry Christmas to us.”
*The End*
Mulled Apple Cider
A tasty Mulled Apple Cider which can be served with or without Rum. It’s popular at our Christmas dinner and it makes the house smell fab!
2 quarts apple cider
1⁄2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon whole cloves
1 teaspoon whole allspice
2 cinnamon sticks
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
1 dash ground nutmeg
1 1⁄2 ounces rum (per mug if desired)
With cloves and allspice in a teaball, cook all ingredients in a Crockpot on low 2-8 hours. Stir occasionally/rarely to dissolve sugar. Or cook in a pan on the stovetop on low heat 20-30 minute until it simmers.
Add 1 1/2 oz. Bacardi Gold Rum (MUST be Bacardi, accept no substitutes) per mugful when poured, if desired. Don't cook it with the Rum.
About the Author
Author Mika Jolie lives in New Jersey with her happy Chaos—her husband and their energizer bunnies. She loves to write about life experiences and matters of the heart. Let’s face it, people are complicated and love can be messy. When she’s not weaving life and romance into evocative tales, you can find her on a hiking adventure, apple picking, or whatever her three men can conjure up.
She loves to hear from readers. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Amazon, or drop her an email.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authormikajolie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikaJolie1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8294433.Mika_Jolie
Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/mikajolie
Email: mikajolie2@gmail.com
For latest news on her current works-in-progress, interviews with fellow authors, or just to see what she’s up to, check out her website: http://www.mikajolie.com or sign up for her newsletter http://mikajolie.us8.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=031e437e36c82d666bd5f3d46&id=af83626053 where you can hear her latest news and enjoy giveaways.
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Links to My Other Books:
Martha’s Way Series
The Scale – Book One
Need You Now – Book Two
Tattooed Hearts – Book Three
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“Are you done eye-fucking me or do you need another minute, old man?” the bartender asked. Her question was matter-of-fact, and didn’t hold a lick of reprimand in it.
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“Cameron…what’s my favorite food? Outside of sewing what do I like to do for fun?”
He looked at her blankly. “Cree…”
“You couldn’t possibly know because I have no idea.” She touched his cheek. “I’ve tried to explain this to you in a way you’d understand. I need to find answers to some of those questions.”
“Baby, we can do it together.”
She shook her head no. “My instincts are telling me to follow you to the ends of the earth. I can’t and be a whole person. I’ve allowed myself to be swallowed up inside your life and lost me in the process. Everything in our relationship has been about you, and I forgot about me. I came here…home to find me.”
“What you’re asking me to do is like cutting off half of myself.”
A tear slid down her cheek. “I know. Me too, but if you’re honest, we’ve been apart so much over the last few years that there’s so much about each other we don’t even know anymore. It’s like our relationship stood still after high school. But you? Look at you. In all the time we’ve been apart, you’ve changed in ways that I still have to learn.” She paused sadly. “And, after everything that has happened to me recently, I’m forever changed too.”
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